Duel King
Ultimate glory, and there can only be one.
On the 15th of each month, the player with the most points is crowned the Duel King.
The Duel King can be challenged by any player wanting to take the title for themselves. When the Duel King accepts the challenge, the 2 players will play an exciting heads-up battle, where one will be the winner and either keep or inherit the title of Duel King. Upon achieving the title of Duel King, you will be given the opportunity to choose how many times per day you wish to attend and accept challenges. You must choose between 1 and 5 slot times per day.
Regardless of the number of slots selected (1 or 5), the Duel King is required to participate in a minimum of 5 challenges per slot. In the event that there are fewer than 5 challenges available within a given hour and slot time, simply being present in the slot for the duration of the hour will satisfy this requirement to keep your title as the Duel King.
At the end of each month (UTC timezone) - whoever holds the Duel King title gets a unique Duel King badge that only they can ever get (i.e., Duel King February -23), and they also earn a spot in the Duel Arena hall of fame.
All Duel King challenges last 5 rounds. Whoever wins the most rounds of the 5 wins the challenge.
Challenging the Duel King costs 2 SOL that goes into the battle pot. The challenger pays the 2 SOL fee for the challenge.
If the Duel King wins the battle, they keep their title and the 2 SOL pot (minus the house fee).
If the challenger wins the battle, they become the new Duel King and win the 2 SOL pot back (minus the house fee).
If the current Duel King has been challenged at least 1 time in the last 24 hours and doesn't accept any challenge, they lose their title as Duel King. In this case, the player with the highest rank on the monthly ranking will automatically inherit the title of Duel King.
The final hour before the month ends, the current Duel King has to accept challenges at least once per 15 minutes (if players are challenging them) to maintain their title. If they fail to do that, the currently highest-ranked player in the monthly leaderboard inherits the title. There may or may not be additional rewards for whoever holds the Duel King title the longest during an undisclosed time. The Duel Arena team may or may not track that and have some cool stuff for that person. Maybe.
Randomization to prevent gaming of the system
To prevent players from gaming the Duel King system, we have implemented the challenges to be anonymous. This means that the current Duel King will not know who has challenged them.
House fee
All Duel King challenges are subject to a 3% house fee
Last updated